lu jun

  • 网络陆军;卢军;陆俊;鲁军;路军
lu junlu jun
  1. The country has very good natural conditions for the tigers to learn in , said Lu Jun , office director of the National Wildlife Research and Development Centre .


  2. But Lu Jun , organiser of a popular website for hepatitis B carriers , says prejudice against them among schools and employers has grown in recent years and is now endemic in China .


  3. Lu Jun : I have studied English , tourist culture , guiding methods and techniques and so on .


  4. Lu Jun , a leading campaigner for the rights of hepatitis B carriers , has also first-hand experience of official harassment .


  5. After luxury houses were built in a region intended for affordable housing in Zhengzhou , Henan province , journalists interviewed local official Lu Jun , on June 17th .


  6. She asks , if anyone has news about Lu Gui Jun , to tell him to contact his little sister 's husband in Anshan .
